O-Town Sound’s Sweet Adeline of the Quarter for October through December 2015 is Marsha Williams. Marsha was the overwhelming choice by her chorus sisters.
Marsha is a true Sweet Adeline. Everything she does is for the good of the chorus and the organization as a whole. Aside from serving the region as Chair of the Regional Convention (CRC), and having been a past Regional Management Team member, Marsha has been and continues to be a driving force in the formation and growth of O-Town Sound.
Since the chorus was formed in 2011, Marsha has been a force to be reckoned with. She’s handled many things including a couple of stints on the Management Team (with many terms under her belt from choruses past) and countless committees. She heads up the scrip program. She’s mother to the risers. She does voice placement with our guests. She’s the lead section leader. She’s one of our Groupanizer gurus and a brain trust when it comes to the rules and regulations of this organization. Marsha knows everything there is to know about regional competition. She is the woman to know in April! The list goes on. It would be almost impossible to list all of the things that Marsha does for this chorus because she lives it and breathes it 24/7.
The amount of work that Marsha does behind the scenes is staggering. She does what needs to be done regardless of whether or not it falls into her area of responsibility. If it needs to be done and nobody else is doing it, chances are that Marsha has or is about to handle it.
Personally, Marsha is a devoted mother and grandmother. If at any moment during the day she’s not thinking about Sweet Adelines, it would be because she’s with her kids!
Marsha is a dedicated and a true blue member of O-Town Sound and, for that reason, we are honored to name her Sweet Adeline of the Quarter. Thank you, Marsha, for all you do.